Sunrise Reviews
A sunrise review explores whether there is a need to regulate a currently unregulated profession or occupation. COPRRR staff conduct a comprehensive study and then make recommendations to the Colorado General Assembly.
How Do I Request that a Profession or Occupation be Regulated?
Anyone proposing to regulate an unregulated occupation or profession must submit a sunrise application to COPRRR. We conduct a comprehensive study and submit a written report to the Colorado General Assembly recommending if regulation is needed. Effective July 1, 2022, there are two application deadlines each year:
- Applications received between July 1 and December 31 will have a review completed by the following June 30, and
- Applications received between January 1 and June 30 will have a review completed by the following December 31.
Before submitting a sunrise application, and as part of the application process, please contact COPRRR at at least one month prior to the application deadline, to schedule a pre-application conference.
If your sunrise application is requesting that the occupation or profession be required to comply with mandatory continuing education requirements, that application must be submitted as well.
How are Reviews Conducted?
What Happens after the Review is Submitted to the General Assembly?
To create a regulatory requirement, the applicant or some other party must seek legislation, and they may do so regardless of the findings of the sunrise review. The General Assembly makes the final determination whether regulation should be imposed upon an occupation or profession.
Go to Sunset Reviews.
Sunrise Reviews - 2024 - 2020
Fiber Optic Technicians
Oral Preventative Dental Assistants
Medical Nutrition Therapy as Practiced by Dieticians and Nutritionists
Funeral Service Professionals
Speech-language Pathology Assistants
Private Security Guards
Veterinary Technicians (Decline)
Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring Technologists
Certified Midwives
Host Home Residential Providers
Veterinary Technicians
Community Association Managers
Peer Support Professionals
Behavior Analysts
Automotive Recyclers
Athlete Agents